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Recent Reviews

Hexclad 10” Pan
I have been so impressed with this pan that I will definitely replace my 12” pan with Hexclad and perhaps my pots too. I usually do not need my pots to be nonstick but my pots are very old and the handles are wearing out.
It is an expensive endeavor to replace all these but I will do it over time. And having great cookware is always worth the price. There are some things you just should not go cheap on—cookware is one of them.
Leave it up to the Japanese to make a pair of scissors desirable.
Allex scissors are both beautifully designed and fine in their craftsmanship. Forged from the single piece of stainless steel, the black version of these scissors are fluorine coated giving them unique resilience.
Starting out as a bit of research for some scissors turned into a favorite item for Adrian.